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On this page


-Type: string

  • Default: undefined

The logo will be displayed on the left side of the page header, you can add an image to display in .vuepress/config.js

For example:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    logo: '/img/yourimage.svg',
  • Type: Array<{ text: string, link: string }>
  • Default: See below

Links that you want to be displayed in the navigation bar.

Here is the default value:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [
        text: 'Home',
        link: '/',
        text: 'Posts',
        link: '/posts/',

Main Banner (Cover)

-Type: object

  • Default: See below

This section is located on the home page just below the header.

     title: 'Welcome to my Blog',
     subTitle: 'the Blog you were looking for',
     content: 'A Blog where you will find the various technologies within our reach.',
     img: '/img/cover-img.png'

You can modify the texts and images that appear in the .vuepress/config.js file.

For example:

module.exports = {
   themeConfig: {
     cover: {
       title: 'Your Title',
       subTitle: 'Your subtitle',
       content: 'Your description',
       img: 'yourimage.png'


-Type: object

  • Default: See below

This section is located before the footer.

     item1: {
       img: '/img/spotify.svg',
       route: '',
     item2: {
       img: '/img/tiktok.svg',
       route: '',
     item3: {
       img: '/img/youtube.svg',
       route: '',

You can modify the bindings in the .vuepress/config.js file.

module.exports = {
   themeConfig: {
     subscribe: {
       item1: {
         img: 'yourimage.svg',
         route: '',
       item2: {
         img: 'yourimage.svg',
         route: '',
       item3: {
         img: 'yourimage.svg',
         route: '',
  • Type: Array<{ type: ContactType, link: string }>
  • Default: undefined

Contact information, which is displayed in the footer.

For example:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    footer: {
      contact: [
          type: 'github',
          link: '',
          type: 'twitter',
          link: '',

For now ContactType supports the following types:

  • codepen -codesandbox
  • Facebook -github -gitlab -instagram -linkedin -mail -messenger
  • music
  • phone -twitter
  • video
  • Web
  • Youtube
  • Type: Array<{ text: string, link?: string }>
  • Default: undefined

Copyright information, displayed in the footer.

For example:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    footer: {
      copyright: [
          text: 'Privacy Policy',
          link: '',
          text: 'MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present AJ-Wi',


-Type: DirectoryClassifier[]

  • Default: See below
     id: 'post',
     dirname: '_posts',
     path: '/',
     itemPermalink: '/:year/:month/:day/:slug',
     pagination: {
       lengthPerPage: 6,

By default, pages are placed in _post and the post list path is /. Here's an example if you want to customize it:

     id: 'writing', // Unique id for the current classifier
     dirname: '_writings', // Matching directory name
     path: '/writings/', // Input page for current classifier
     title: 'essay', // Titles of the input pages and pagination of the current classifier.
     layout: 'IndexWriting', // Name of the layout component for the input page.
     frontmatter:{ //Frontmatter for the page.
       tag: 'vuepress'
     itemLayout: 'Writing', // Layout of matching pages.
     itemPermalink: '/writings/:year/:month/:day/:slug', // Permalink for matching pages.
     pagination: { // Pagination behavior
       lengthPerPage: 2,



-Type: FrontmatterClassifier[]

  • Default: See below
     id: 'tag',
     keys: ['tags', 'tag'],
     path: '/posts/',

It will only be sorted by tag and tags in the frontmatter, and the path for it is '/tag/' by default. Let's see how to customize it:

     id: 'location', // Identification for the current classifier
     keys: ['location'], // Frontmatter keys used to rank pages
     path: '/location/', // Input page for current classifier
     title: 'location', // Titles of the entry pages, scope and pagination of the current classifier.
     layout: 'IndexLocation', // Name of the layout component for the input page.
     scopeLayout: 'ScopeLocation', // Name of the layout component for the scope page.
     frontmatter: { //Frontmatter for the page.
       description: 'Hello'
     pagination: { // Pagination behavior
       lengthPerPage: 2,


Global Pagination

-Type: object

  • Default: { lengthPerPage: 9 }

Pagination settings for all directories and frontmatters. For example:

   prevText:'Back', // Text of links to go back.
   nextText:'Next', // Text of links to go to the next.
   lengthPerPage:'2', // Maximum number of posts per page.
   layout:'Pagination', // Layout of the pagination page

For more information, please visit Pagination Settings.


-Type: object

  • Default: undefined

You can simply enable it by filling in the hostname property with your hostname:

   hostname: 'https://yourdomain'

Please refer to vuepress-plugin-sitemap for more details.


-Type: object

  • Default: undefined

Vssue and Disqus are integrated commenting services. These are the properties needed to enable:

// disks
   service: "disqus",
   shortname: "The short name of your blog",

// Vssue
   service: 'vssue',
   owner: 'You',
   repo: 'Your repository',
   clientId: 'Your client ID',
   clientSecret: 'Your clientSecret',

To configure the disqus short name, visit here

More configuration, please visit:


-Type: object

  • Default: undefined

Mailchimp is our default newsletter service. The only property required to enable the newsletter is endpoint:

   endpoint: 'https://TuendPoint'

Please go to vuepress-plugin-mailchimp to see how to get your endpoint.


-Type: object

  • Default: undefined

RSS, Atom and even JSON feeds are supported. The only property needed to enable the feed is canonical_base:


RSS is the default feed type.

All options in vuepress-plugin-feed are available. Also, we present an easier approach to enable/disable feed types, for example:



If you plan to deploy your site under a child path and have configured the base URL, you won't need to pass it back to canonical_base.


-Type: boolean -Default: true

Either to automatically extract the summary of the markdowns. You can write a summary manually in the frontmatter section of the post. The summary is not just for display, but also for the description of the page.

Summary Length

-Type: number

  • Default: 200

Sets the duration of the digest.


-Type: boolean -Default: false

Either to enable PWA support. this option is promoted by the official PWA plugin.

If you enable this option, the default options of the internal PWA plugin are as follows:

   serviceWorker: true,
   updatePopup: true

Pagination Component

-Type: string

  • Default: 'Pagination'

Customize the pagination component.

The default is the pagination component

You can set this option to select the SimplePagination.

You can also write a custom pagination component and register it as a global component. then pass your name to this option.

smooth scrolling

-Type: boolean -Default: false

The themeConfig.smoothScroll option allows you to enable smooth scrolling.

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
   themeConfig: {
     smoothScroll: true

Released under the MIT License.