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This guide will teach you how to add the theme to a new project manually.


Create an empty directory and enter it, once inside you execute the following code on the command line

$ npm install vuepress-theme-ajwi --save-dev
# or
$ yarn add vuepress-theme-ajwi --dev

Folder Structure

Here is the recommended project structure:

├── blog
   ├── _posts
   │   ├── #example
   │   ├── #example
   │   └── #example
   └── .vuepress
       ├── `components` _(**Optional**)_
       ├── `public` _(**Optional**)_
       ├── `styles` _(**Optional**)_
       │   ├── index.styl
       │   └── palette.styl
       ├── config.js
       └── `enhanceApp.js` _(**Optional**)_
└── package.json


  • blog/.vuepress/config.js: Blog configuration file, can also be yml or toml.
  • blog/_posts: Stores the content of your posts.


If you want to set up the files below, you'll need some knowledge of VuePress.

  • blog/.vuepress/components: Vue components in this directory will be automatically registered as global components.
  • blog/.vuepress/styles: Stores Style-related files.
  • blog/.vuepress/styles/index.styl: Auto-applied global style files, generated at the end of the CSS file, have a higher priority than the default style.
  • blog/.vuepress/styles/palette.styl: The palette is used to override the default color constants and to set the Stylus color constants.
  • blog/.vuepress/public: Static resource directory.
  • blog/.vuepress/enhanceApp.js: Application level improvement.

Using vuepress-theme-ajwi

You must add vuepress-theme-ajwi as theme in .vuepress/config.js. vuepress-theme-ajwi it is configurable, but we will use the default values ​​for now.

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  title: 'VuePress Blog Example', // Site title. This will be displayed in the navigation bar.
  theme: 'ajwi',
  themeConfig: {
    // Keep scrolling down to see the available options.

Add the scripts to the package.json file:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vuepress dev blog", // start a development server with automatic reloading.
    "build": "vuepress build blog" // build your website.

From now on, you can run npm run dev or yarn dev and go in your browser to localhost:8080 see your blog!

Generating Content

The _posts folder is where your blog posts are located. You can simply write blog posts in Markdown.

All blog post files must contain a header with descriptive information about the post in the form of variables, we will call this header hereafter frontmatter. Only title is required, but we recommend that you define all frontmatter variables as shown below. They will be used to establish the corresponding layout. See frontmatter for more details. Here's an example:

title: Hello World
date: 2020-01-11
image: /img/posts/post-1.jpg
author: ajwi
location: Lima
My content.

You can name your post archives whatever you like, but we recommend that you include the date at the beginning. It helps you stay organized and will be used as a permalink by default. For example:

Blog Tags

By default, navigate to /posts/, you will see the tag input page. You can set your own tags in the frontmatter section of your file, and they will be automatically classified:

title: Hola Mundo
date: 2020-01-11
image: /img/posts/post-1.jpg
  - JavaScript
  - Vue
author: ajwi
location: Lima


By default, the summary will be pulled from blog posts. If you need to override it, we present the following two approaches:

  1. Write summary manually in frontmatter

  2. Set up the excerpt separator by writing a comment <!-- more --> just below what you want to extract as an abstract


Now, check out your blog at localhost:8080, if all is well, you might be interested in the following topics:

Last updated:

Released under the MIT License.