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Welcome to the API Reference for Recaptcha Cracker. This section provides detailed information about the classes and methods available in the Recaptcha Cracker library.


Class: RecaptchaV2

A class designed to handle the resolution of reCAPTCHA v2 challenges using audio transcription.


  • driver (SeleniumBase Driver): A SeleniumBase Driver object used to interact with the web page.


cracker(selector: str, max_attempts: int = 3) -> bool

Attempts to resolve a reCAPTCHA v2 challenge on the web page.

  • selector (str): The XPath selector for the reCAPTCHA iframe element.

  • max_attempts (int, optional): The maximum number of attempts to solve the captcha. Default is 3.

Returns: bool - True if the reCAPTCHA is successfully resolved, otherwise False.

Example Usage

from seleniumbase import Driver
from recaptcha_cracker import RecaptchaV2

driver = Driver()
recaptcha = RecaptchaV2(driver)
is_solved = recaptcha.cracker(selector='//*[@id="recaptcha-demo"]/div/div/iframe')


Class: TextCaptcha

A class designed to handle the resolution of text captchas using EasyOCR and OpenCV.


TextCaptcha(image_path: str = 'captcha.png', processing: bool = True, kernel: tuple = (2, 2), verbose: bool = True)
  • image_path (str, optional): The path to the captcha image. Default is 'captcha.png'.

  • processing (bool, optional): Whether to perform image processing on the captcha image. Default is True.

  • kernel (tuple, optional): The kernel size for image processing. Default is (2, 2).

  • verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print verbose output. Default is True.


download_and_read_image(url: str) -> Optional[str]

Downloads a captcha image from a URL and reads its text.

  • url (str): The URL of the captcha image.

Returns: Optional[str] - The decoded text from the captcha image or None if an error occurs.

decode_and_read_image(base64_image: str) -> Optional[str]

Decodes a base64 encoded captcha image and reads its text.

base64_image (str): The base64 encoded captcha image.

Returns: Optional[str] - The decoded text from the captcha image or None if an error occurs.

capture_and_read_image(driver, element: str) -> Optional[str]

Captures a captcha image from a web page element and reads its text.

  • driver (SeleniumBase Driver): A SeleniumBase Driver object used to interact with the web page.

element (str): The XPath selector for the captcha image element.

Returns: Optional[str] - The decoded text from the captcha image or None if an error occurs.

Example Usage

from seleniumbase import Driver
from recaptcha_cracker import TextCaptcha

driver = Driver()

text_captcha = TextCaptcha()
captcha_text = text_captcha.capture_and_read_image(driver, element='//img[@id="captcha_image"]')

This reference covers the core functionalities of Recaptcha Cracker, providing detailed descriptions of the classes and methods available. For more examples and advanced usage, please refer to the Guides section.